
Papers please game temporary visa template
Papers please game temporary visa template

papers please game temporary visa template

For the rest of the game, the inspector must confiscate all Arstotzkan passports from native entrants without exceptions.

papers please game temporary visa template

On day 28, the Arstotzkan government takes stricter measures and expands the passport confiscation program. regarding suspicious activities by some Arstotzkan citizens. From that day on, the inspector is expected to confiscate all passports from Arstotzkans living in the Altan district and issue passport seizure slips to allow entry if the entrant is not violating any other rules. On day 24, the Ministry of Information requests help from the M.O.A. A special drawer for confiscated passports is installed in the booth on day 24 when the confiscation order is first issued. Passport confiscation is a process where the inspectorseizes an entrant’s passport by order of the Ministry of Admission. Papers Please Wiki Papers Please Passport Confiscation The fake passport is one of the three non-passport documents in the game that can be stamped with entry approval and entry denial stamps. Unlike when the inspector receives a citation for letting in someone without valid documents after the entrant has walked a certain distance from the booth, if the fake passport is approved and given back to Jorji, the citation immediately starts to print while Jorji is still in the booth. The same token can be earned on day 11 without a citation, so there is no benefit in letting Jorji in with the fake passport.Īlthough not required, it is possible to highlight the fake passport with the All documents must be current rule, or the Entrant must have a passport rule in the rulebook to highlight the discrepancy. The fake passport is never valid, but if entry is approved, the inspector will be given the Obristan token and a consequential citation for violating the immigration protocol. It appears to be written by hand and states that the passport was issued in a city called Bestburg in Cobrastan, neither of which exist. It is later implied that Jorji might come from Obristan. A fake passport is also shown in Papers, Please – The Short Film. The fake passport is a passport presented by Jorji Costava to the inspector on day 4. Uses the layout of an Arstotzkan passport.Appears to be written with a crayon or a colored pencil.Entrants from the United Federation are not allowed to enter Arstotzka on day 25.One of the two passports that use the layout from the beta version (the country name is centered and the seal and an extra line are added, though).Needed to escape to Obristan near the end of the game (endings 16 and 18).

papers please game temporary visa template

  • One of the three passports with photo on the right side.
  • All Kolechians must be searched on day 7.
  • Entrants from Impor are not allowed to enter Arstotzka on day 19.
  • Jorji Costava’s fake passport uses the same layout as the Arstotzkan passport.
  • All Arstotzkan passports must be confiscatedsince day 28.
  • One of the two passports that use the layout from the beta version (a dotted line is added under the country name, though).
  • One of the two passports that have the ID number in the lower left corner.
  • One of the three passports with the photo on the right side.
  • Other passports have the entrant’s name at the top.

    papers please game temporary visa template

    The only passport with the entrant’s name at the bottom.All passports contain the same information fields: Issuing country and cities Papers Please has seven official passports of real in-game countries and a fake passport issued by “Cobrastan.” Passports differ from each other by color, ornaments and the layout of the data page.

    Papers please game temporary visa template